• Identification
  • Questions

First we would like to have a better view of your company and your understanding of environmental footprint in the ICT sector. Could you please answer the questions listed below on these aspects?



Company Name






Which of these categories better represents your ICT activity?



Where are your company Head Offices located?



How many employees are in your company?



What is your company´s annual turnover?



What is the main use of ICT in your company?



Are there any incentives in your country to use sustainable ICT services?



Do you know about ICT carbon footprint methodologies?



Do you use ICT carbon footprint methodologies?



Please select the type of ICT service you want to assess.



Are you assessing an ICT service you use or you provide?

Calculation Insight

The answer to this question will determine whether the GHG emissions from the end-user block are accounted in scope 2 (service you use) or scope 3 (service you provide) in the results. In addition, some questions are only valid for service providers (e.g. on development and maintenance of the service).



How many hours is the service used during a year (according to the average use pattern of the service)?
Note: If you decide to assess a service utilised by more than one end-user, please indicate the total amount of hours corresponding to the total number of users considered.


Calculation Insight

The amount of time spent on the service is used to calculate the impact from the use stage (e.g. use of the computer to access the service). Moreover, only part of the impact from the production and end-of-life stages is considered, e.g. we do not account for all impacts from computer manufacturing. This share is determined based on time spent on the service and the total lifespan of the device (the appropriate terminology is "the impact is allocated following a time-based criteria") .


Example 1: one person browsing the web for 2 hours a day every day, corresponds to 730 hours in a year.
Example 2: 3 people performing video conferences in business days (no weekends) for 2 hours a day are: 1,566 hours in a year.
Example 3: the end-user community (e.g. 10,000 individuals) using a service for 3 hours a week on average are: 1,560,000 hours in a year.



What is the amount of data exchanged during a year?
Note 1: If you decide to assess a service utilised by more than one end-user, please indicate the total amount of data exchanged for the total number of end-users considered.
Note 2: The end-users may not use the service on a continuous basis during a year. Please indicate the amount of data exchanged during the period of reference (1 year, whether used continuously or not), not the amount of data exchanged during a year of continuous service use (i.e. 365x24h).


Calculation Insight

The impact from the blocks concerning telecommunication network systems (TNS) and datacentres (DC) varies depending on the amount of data exchanged; among others.


Some examples of average data exchanged:
- Music streaming: around 120 MB/hour.
- Video streaming (depending on the video quality): from 180 to 600 MB/hour
- Standard web browsing (1 MB/page with 60 pages per hour): 60 MB/hour



Select the type of device most used by the end-user to access the ICT service.

Calculation Insight

Based on your choice, default values will be provided for questions 7 to 9. You may change the values if otherwise known. If you decided to assess the use of the service by various end-users, distinct devices may be used among the community. Please select the most widely used device.



Please confirm that the main type of device used by the end-user to access the service has the Energy Star label.

Calculation Insight

The Energy Star label is an international standard for energy efficiency consumer products.
Labelled products usually are 10% more energy efficient than overall products. We implemented this finding within the model.



What is the average lifespan of the main device used by end-users to access the service?
If uncertain on how to fill this field, please leave the default value.


Calculation Insight

The lifespan (or operating lifetime) of the main device is the duration of the actual use period (consisting of both active and non-active periods) for the first user. Storage time is not included in operating lifetime. The lifespan of the device is a key parameter of the calculation used to scale the environmental impacts some life cycle steps of the device (development and maintenance, manufacturing, end of life) on a period of time of 1 year of use of the service.


Typical values of average lifespan are: 4 years for a Laptop, 2 years for a Tablet, 2 years for a Smartphone and 5 years for a Desktop.



What is the average active power of the main device used by end-users to access the service?
If uncertain on how to fill this field, please leave the default value.


Calculation Insight

The active power refers to the power of the device in active mode. This parameter is used to calculate the electricity consumption of the device according to the use scenario defined. The active power (expressed in W) is multiplied by the total amount of time (in hours) during when the device is used in active mode, during the reference period of time of the assessment (i.e. 1 year of use of the service).


Typical values of average active power are: 25W for a Laptop, 3.21W for a Tablet, 0.74W for a Smartphone and 47W for a Desktop.



What is the average idle power of the main device used by end-users to access the service?
If uncertain on how to fill this field, please leave the default value.


Calculation Insight

The idle power refers to the power of the device in idle mode (or standby mode). This parameter is used to calculate the electricity consumption of the device according to the use scenario defined. The idle power (expressed in W) is multiplied by the total amount of time (in hours) during when the device is in standby, during the reference period of time of the assessment (i.e. 1 year of use of the service).


Typical values of average idle power are: 0.8W for a Laptop, 0.26W for a Tablet, 0.019W for a Smartphone and 2.8W for a Desktop.

Calculation Insight

This question is necessary to assess the impact from the "Development and maintenance" block.


FTE: Full Time Equivalent. 1 FTE is 1 person working full-time for one year.

Calculation Insight

This question is necessary to understand how much of the impact from the "Development and maintenance" block is covered in the perimeter that we are assessing here. The impact allocated to development and maintenance of the service will not be the same whether you are assessing the impact from the entire end-user community using your service, or one single end-user.


If you are considering all end-users in the scope of the present assessment, you shall provide the same answer as to question 4. If you are not considering all end-users of your service in the scope of the present assessment, you shall provide the total amount of data exchanged by all end-users of your service.